Monday, 18 April 2022 05:05

April 18, 2022 News Update

18 April 2022

Dear Friends,

The war in Ukraine has gone on for almost 8 weeks. Russian attacks in the north around Kyiv were repelled, but with much destruction and many deaths. When the Russian troops withdrew, there was a great reduction in the number of missiles and artillery being shot into that area. There were some strikes in the city of Kyiv over the weekend. We praise God that again our people have been spared.

On Easter Sunday Russian missiles targeted the city of Lviv in western Ukraine. This city has been relatively safe, and several million people have gone there, either to find a place to live or as the port city into Poland. The Russians would like to see that city destroyed because it is a major conduit for supplies from the west to enter Ukraine. As of now the most Russia can do is to bomb the city because they don’t have troops in that region to attack it. Many of our people are in Lviv and its environs. Please be in prayer for Vasily Munko, pastor of Grace Bible Church and Misha Grishenko, pastor of Greater Grace Church in Lviv. Luda Ugrimova is in a nearby town. These are heroes of faith, in my opinion, for their ministry among the refugees.

We just received a text from Ukraine saying they think that the war in the Donbas region is about to be a full-scale invasion. The big city of Kharkiv has been under constant bombardment since the beginning, but apparently the attacks are about to intensify. There are several cities in that area where I have taught in the past. Pray for the believers there that the biblical truths they learned will sustain them, that their faith will be a great testimony to the grace of God, and that they will redeem the time by spreading the gospel.

Word of God Church met on Resurrection Day for worship and praise to Almighty God who raised His Son from the dead in a powerful acclamation that He has accepted the work of Christ on the cross as the payment for all sins. What a great God! What a wonderful savior!

Pray also for Sasha Petrenko and his wife Ira who live in the Chernigiv area. This city was also devastated by missiles and Russian troops. Sasha sent some photos. What do you do if your church building is destroyed? Preach in the open air.

Sasha teaching Outdoors


Sasha and Ira ministering to the troops, providing food and clothing along with spiritual food:

Sasha Ira Troops


Sasha providing some essentials to a man who has lost everything.

Lost Everything

We are so grateful for all of you who are supporting our ministry. Thank you for your prayers and notes of encouragement.

All by grace,


Sunday, 10 April 2022 21:49

April 10, 2022 News Update

10 April 2022

Dear Friends,

Phyllis and I are on the road again, speaking in churches. If you would like to see a recent report that I gave, click on this link:

Some people have asked me if there are websites they can go to for good assessments of thee current situation in Ukraine. Here a few that you check out:

I have had a few people make comments along the way about the corruption of the Ukrainian people, indicating that in their opinion we should not be helping them or promoting them because they are just as bad as the Russians. Others have expressed their idea that the Ukrainians and Russians are both the same and that what is happening is just like the Civil War between the north and the south in this country, and that we should just let them fight it out.

I find this wrong on so many levels. And because I have been confronted with this several times, I would surmise that this idea is coming from some common source, namely, the main-stream media. I will excerpt portions of a recent letter written by Dr. Robby Dean in response to comments made on a recent interview program:

First, the Ukrainian people are more united in their patriotism then ever before. I have read of estimates up to 400,000 Ukrainian ex-pat males who have returned to Ukraine to fight for their homes, families, and the future of Ukraine.

Second, they are not fighting to defend a corrupt government or corruption in general. Ukraine is well known for the level of corruption there, but so now is the United States, as well as Nigeria, Brazil, China, Syria, Jordan, the Philippines and a host of other nations in the world. Corruption is endemic today.

Ukraine was viciously attacked with no provocation on Feb 24. The claim that the Ukrainians are at fault because they wanted to be aligned with NATO is delusion… Blame the rape victim, not the rapist, is the same mentality. Putin has been trying to dominate Ukraine and Ukraine politics for a couple of decades

But ... it has been clear that the Ukrainian people do not want corruption, they do not want to be under the authority of Moscow, they hate the Russians with a historic hatred that goes back centuries. Ukrainians have their own language, culture, music, and government and they do not want to be governed by Russia. The vast majority are freedom loving.

Ukraine has the highest level of religious freedom of any nation in the Western world. Over the last 25 years tens if not hundreds of thousands have been saved. Numerous solid grace-gospel ministries have been planted ….

The Ukrainians are fighting and dying for freedom. They are seeking to destroy the barbaric Russians who are raping, torturing, beheading the Ukrainian civilian population and seeking to erase the Ukrainian people from the face of the earth.

To say that we Americans should not pray for victory in Ukraine because they have a corrupt government is ludicrous. If America comes under attack should we refuse to fight for freedom because we have a corrupt government?

Of course not all Russians are “bad” people. There are many who are decent, moral, law-abiding people who are hard working and honest. But when I see the unprovoked attack on Ukraine, the senseless bombing of homes, churches, hospitals, and refugee centers in Ukraine, the horrific murders, brutal rapes, and the pillaging of homes, I believe it is altogether right for us to pray for victory over the invaders and for destruction of their army.

I beseech you, do not stop praying for the freedom of Ukraine, for peace in that land, and for those people we have come to love so dearly.

All by grace,


Tuesday, 05 April 2022 03:04

April 4, 2022 News Update

4 April 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Oh, how it breaks our hearts to watch the videos of the barbaric butchery of people in Bucha, a city just to the north of Kyiv. It is adjacent to Irpin. This was one of the first cities occupied by the Russians when the war began. There has been extensive destruction of buildings, homes, and infrastructure there. But even worse is the slaughter of hundreds of people and reports of rape of many women and even little girls. Evil without restraints! Hundreds dead, buried in mass graves, unknown but to God.

I thought about inserting a link showing graphic photos of some who were killed, hands tied behind their backs and then executed. But you may have seen videos on the news and you don’t need to see more. I had a conversation a number of years ago with the American ambassador to Georgia. He told me that when the Russians left after invading that country in 2008, they raped and pillaged with wanton disregard for the senseless brutality. The pattern repeats itself in Ukraine.

But, the good news is that the Ukrainian forces have driven the Russian forces out of that area. However, the Russians have left many booby traps and land mines, some of which are in playgrounds, entrances to apartment buildings, and even some under dead bodies. So it will take some time to clear the area of danger. We have church members from both Bucha and Irpin who, while themselves are safe, have suffered loss from the bombing.

Word of God Church continues to minister to the congregation. The few who are still in Kyiv met yesterday for a worship service while most of the others were able to join online from safe havens in western Ukraine and from several foreign countries. The Word of God is not bound. We continue to have daily prayer meetings online and weekly Bible studies as well. Below is a photo of the church service, with Pastor Oleg teaching the Word. The man in the foreground is Vova, Oleg’s brother. He is with the territorial defense unit and will be deployed to the east this week. Pray for him and our other men who are defending their nation by serving in the military.

Oleg Teaching WofG Church

We receive reports from our people in Ukraine and Poland who are using this time as ambassadors for Christ, preaching the gospel and ministering to refugees, demonstrating the love of God and their steadfast faith based on the assurance that comes from knowledge of the Word of God.

The war continues, but let it not become old news and something to be disregarded because it is far away. May it serve as a warning of what may come to our shores in the future. May it spur us to make spiritual preparation now so that we will also be able to persevere in our faith when the time of severe testing comes to us.

God has a purpose for us and His plan is moving forward. Will we fulfill His purpose or will we be casualties in the spiritual conflict? Thank you for praying. Thank you for your notes of encouragement and support.

Psalm 37:35-40,
35 I have seen the wicked in great power, And spreading himself like a native green tree. 36 Yet he passed away, and behold, he was no more; Indeed I sought him, but he could not be found. 37 Mark the blameless man, and observe the upright; For the future of that man is peace. 38 But the transgressors shall be destroyed together; The future of the wicked shall be cut off. 39 But the salvation of the righteous is from the LORD; He is their strength in the time of trouble. 40 And the LORD shall help them and deliver them; He shall deliver them from the wicked, And save them, Because they trust in Him.

Stand fast,


Saturday, 02 April 2022 05:51

April 1, 2022 News Update

1 April 2022

Dear Servants of the Most High God,

Psalm 144:3, “LORD, what is man, that You take knowledge of him? Or the son of man, that You are mindful of him?

We are so pitiful, so insignificant, and yet we can approach the very God of the universe. In this verse David expresses his amazement that God knows us. The word “man” occurs two times in the this verse. The first time it is the generic word for a person, a member of the human race. God knows the individual human. The second time the word “man” is used is a different word, emphasizing the frailty of man. In spite of this, God is “mindful of him," that is to say, God has a plan for him. Think of it! And because of this I can bring my petitions, my supplications, my heart’s desire to the Lord.

I had a marvelous time today teaching an online Bible class to our Ukrainian Christians. The class lasted almost two hours because of the Q&A session that followed the lesson on Psalm 144.

Question: what if Russian Christians are praying for victory?
My family in Russia tells me that we should just give up and submit. What do I tell them?
I am from Belarus and my family wants me to fight against Ukraine.

The last two questions were prefaced by remarks that their families have been bombarded with constant propaganda from the Russian media which paints Ukraine as the aggressor, the evil nation that desires to commit genocide against the Russian people. Ah, the media. What a powerful force – for good or for ill.

Psalm 144:11, “Rescue me and deliver me from the hand of foreigners, Whose mouth speaks lying words, And whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood--

They say one thing but do another. They speak peace and then bomb your houses. They speak of cease fire while increasing their missile attacks.

It is good news that the Russian forces are withdrawing from the Kyiv region. But they continue to point their missiles at the city. Even though they have left Irpin, just to the north of Kyiv, they leave behind destruction, and they have also left behind land mines which can kill and injure anyone who might step on them—children in playgrounds, entrances to businesses.

Irpin Bible Seminary 2022 5x5

Irpin Bible Seminary – After and Before

I have a new prayer request. The report today is that Americans in Russia are now being sought out and detained. Those who have made it to the Russian border are being taken into custody. Why? They have done nothing illegal and the US is not at war with Russia. Also, the Americans in Russia are in a tight spot because they have no access to their bank accounts and cannot use their credit cards because of sanctions against Russia. I ask you to pray for Steve, a long time missionary in Russia. There are others, too.

Thank you for your prayers, your encouragement, your support.

By grace alone,



Thursday, 31 March 2022 02:59

March 30, 2022 News Update

30 March 2022

Dear friends,

“The enemy has demonstrated its ‘decrease in activity’ in the Chernihiv region with strikes on Nizhyn (a town 90 km southeast of Chernihiv), including airstrikes. Chernihiv was shelled all night,” the regional governor reported.

AFP reporters also heard explosions around the Kyiv suburb of Irpin. Our pastor in Kyiv told me today that even though the Russians said that they were pulling back their troops, explosions from missles continue almost around the clock.

The good news is that our people have again been spared. Our village, although it hears sounds afar off, has not had enemy activity for a couple of days.

Do not cease in your prayers for Ukraine, for protection, for provision, for the furtherance of the gospel, for the witness of the saints to those who are fearful.

Psalm 62:5–12,
5 My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him.
6 He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved.
7 In God is my salvation and my glory; The rock of my strength, And my refuge, is in God.
8 Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Selah
9 Surely men of low degree are a vapor, Men of high degree are a lie; If they are weighed on the scales, They are altogether lighter than vapor.
10 Do not trust in oppression, Nor vainly hope in robbery; If riches increase, Do not set your heart on them.
11 God has spoken once, Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God.
12 Also to You, O Lord, belongs mercy; For You render to each one according to his work.

Here is a short video that is instructive.

How much we appreciate all you who are standing with us and our loved ones in Ukraine and those who have been driven from their homes.

Only by grace,


Tuesday, 29 March 2022 03:29

March 28, 2022 News Update

28 March 2022

Dear Friends,

I cannot thank you enough for your prayers for Ukraine and our loved ones there. We also give thanks to our heavenly Father who is supplying abundant grace through you to help with relief of people suffering the ravages of the war. Your gifts are causing much praise to the Lord from our Ukrainian friends. One hundred percent of donations will be used for this ministry; there are no “administrative fees” being taken out.

Russian navy, air, and ground forces continued to launch missiles and rockets at both cilivian and military targets over the weekend. These targets are located all over the country, from the far east to cities in the west, from Kyiv in the north to cities on the Black Sea. We received a report of large explosions in the southern part of Kyiv. It is now forbidden for civilians or journalists to give details about strikes or to post photos or videos of attacks because the enemy can use this information for their own purposes. The good news today is that all of our people are safe. We are not consumed because of the Lord’s mercies. Praise Him!

Our church met online yesterday. What amazing fellowship, love, and compassion for one another. And what praise to our sovereign Lord who rules over all. There is no complaining or whining or self pity. It is marvelous to behold.

I received a note from Denis, our student who fled to Poland with his wife and son. His orientation is not toward personal comfort, but toward the Lord. My heart was made glad by his news:

Mr. Myers, hello. Today we were in church. We have rented an apartment next to it, and after the service we stayed for fellowship. We took an unbelieving woman from Kyiv with us and I was able to tell her the gospel. She is very interested. We also gave her the Gospel of John to read. We will take her every Sunday with us to church. Her mother is disabled, and she was able to bring her here. Pray that God will work in her heart.

Thank you for teaching us how to give the gospel so it is understandable. We plan to go with the church to refugee centers to help them and to give the gospel. Pray about it.

We are able to do this because we know Russian and can help the [Polish speaking] church here. We are very glad that God allows us to serve here. That's why we went to college. Thanks to you. Thanks to God!

So Putin meant it for evil, but God meant it for good (Genesis 50:20), for now the gospel is being spread not only in Ukraine but in at least five other countries where our “missionaries” have been scattered by the war. The Word of God is not bound.

Psalm 128:6-9, “Blessed be the LORD, Because He has heard the voice of my supplications! 7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him. 8 The LORD is their strength, And He is the saving refuge of His anointed. 9 Save Your people, And bless Your inheritance; Shepherd them also, And bear them up forever.”

By His grace,


Sunday, 27 March 2022 03:59

Loving the Battle: Extraction from Kyiv

Jim has given permission for the presentation he made with Robby Dean about their adventure getting out of Ukraine to be hosted on this website.

This was presented on Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at the 2022 Chafer Pastors' Conference - about a week after they returned to the USA from Ukraine.

What an adventure! And, what wonderful promises our gracious God has given us so that we can “Love the Battle.”


Sunday, 27 March 2022 03:47

March 26, 2022 News Update

26 March 2022

To my fellow soldiers in the spiritual battle:

Stand firm. Be alert. Continue earnestly in prayer. Your role as prayer warriors is vital. As you pray without ceasing you are functioning as a priest, representing others before our heavenly Father. This is a privilege and an obligation. Remember how on the night before the cross when Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane He asked Peter, James, and John to pray with Him? He desired that they spend time in intercessory prayer for Him. We have loved ones in dire circumstances, and how much they need our intercession. Prayer can be very hard work. Will you not labor with me this day on behalf of our loved ones in Ukraine?

I talked with a man today who is involved in helping Americans to get out of Ukraine and who is trying to get needed things into Ukraine. He reports that there is a lot of donated material on the borders of Ukraine, but not very much is actually getting in. What a shame that bureaucracy and politics would hinder the distribution of food, blankets, clothing, and medical supplies to people who need them desperately.

The reports we see on the news is very confusing. On the one hand they speak of the Russian offensive being stalled, and yet the bombs and missiles continue to fall in many cities. The news channels tell us that the Russians are focused on cities in the east and the south, and yet there was increased bombing of Lviv in far western Ukraine. A message I received was that they heard bomb blasts all day long in Kyiv. Let us not grow weary in our prayers.

3 John 1:4, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”

I truly understand what John meant when he penned these words. As I hear from our people from our church in Ukraine, I am overjoyed at their display of faith in the face of disaster. Here is a letter from a great saint of God, a sister in the faith:

Jim, thank you for the lesson yesterday [taught online].
I wanted to encourage you that all that work of teaching for years in our church and college was really effective. I talk to the people of our church and they really have peace in their hearts regardless of what is going on in their lives. I noticed they quote scripture to me, they remember lots of your sermons, they see God acting in their lives and trust Him strongly. Lucia told me that now she understands what you meant when you said we should use this time of freedom to serve the Lord because if we don't, God can take it from us. I can say God prepared us very well through you for this time of distress. May God bless you and give you many more years to continue to teach and to build up this church in free Ukraine.

Knowing the Word of God, believing it, and acting on it is the key to joy, confidence, and tranquility of soul, no matter what.

Proverbs 6:22, “When you roam, they will lead you; When you sleep, they will keep you; And when you awake, they will speak with you.”

Thank you for your prayers, your notes of encouragement, your support. You have had a great ministry to us and to those in Ukraine.

He who keeps you will not slumber.


Saturday, 26 March 2022 05:42

March 25, 2022 News Update

25 March 2022

Dear Friends,

We are so thankful for all you who draw near the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. The Father has indeed been hearing your prayers, your intercessions, and your praises.

Apparently the enemy is being pushed back in several places in Ukraine, which is very good news. But the war continues. The missiles continue to be sent against buildings housing civilians: apartment buildings, hospitals, schools, theaters and others places where there might be people taking shelter in basements or bomb shelters. It is evident that these are deliberate targets and not inadvertent accidents.

According to one source who has contact with the military Russia is expected to send paratroopers into Kyiv, special forces units, with the intent of taking out communications and other things vital for the defense of the city. Many Russian saboteurs have been caught, but probably not all. Thousands of Ukrainian civilians have been taken captive and are being deported to Russia. I don’t know why. Perhaps they will be used in prisoner exchanges; perhaps they will be forced to work for Russia against Ukraine; perhaps they will just become slaves. Many of these are children. Horrible!

The high power lines that run through our village have been taken out, so now they have no electricity or internet. In some cities they have been without electricity, water, gas or heat. In some instances they have also run out of food. This is a desperate situation.

But our people are standing strong in faith. What a testimony to the grace of God and the power of His Word. So many have expressed their gratitude for having grown in their spiritual understanding, which enables them to face this crisis with peace and confidence.

I was able to teach an online Bible class with them today. What a joy! I was able to see faces and hear familiar voices. I will include a screenshot of the more than 40 people who opened the Word of God together today.

Psalm 27:13, “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living. 14 Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!”


 WoG Church Meeting 3 25 22

Thursday, 24 March 2022 01:46

March 23, 2022 News Update

23 March 2022

Dear Stalwarts in the Spiritual Fray,

I received a text about an immediate prayer alert. Vova is on patrol in the area of our village. He sends a short message to his wife. Pray. Danger. His wife, Natalie begins to hear gunfire not far from the house. A half hour later I received another text. All are safe, but the enemy has escaped. The danger is ubiquitous, the danger is imminent.

Someone sent me the following poem. I am sorry that I don’t know the poet or I would acknowledge him.

Pray for Ukraine

I woke up warm and safe in my bed
While someone else heard bombs overhead.

I jumped into a nice hot shower
While someone else has lost all power.

I hugged my family, we were altogether,
While others said good-bye, perhaps forever.

While I fear the money I will spend,
Others fear losing the country they defend.

In the time it took me to write this post
Many have lost the things they love most.

So when I bitch and want to complain,
I will stop myself and pray for Ukraine.

We are thankful to each of you standing with us in prayer. As we receive news we will keep you informed.

Only by grace,


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